Saturday 27 April 2013

ITV Documentary showing government negligence

ITV Full length documentary.......

Watch how the UK health officials melt and revert to 2 year olds when confronted with overwhelming evidence... Notice how we hear of tests that prove it is safe but never actually get to see or hear of these so called tests, because there are none!

Full length BBC Panorama documentary showing how long this issue has been known.

Full BBC Panorama documentary clearly showing the Health Department great evidence that mercury in amalgams should be stopped. This further highlights the negligence of the state in their continued ignorance and lack of action towards it.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Diary 14th - 20th April - Mercury Attacks!

Diary of a poisoned body....

This past week I have been learning a lot about my body's own natural detox process... As you know I am still awaiting amalgam removal (1st 2 due to be out in 3 weeks time! The worst 2 :) The original root canal & decomposing amalgam that started the trouble)
You should not really attempt chelating whilst you have amalgams in as you will be drawing more
metal from them into your system & could end up with a higher load which is dangerous, fatal even..
But I was sooo ill on deaths door that I felt I had nothing to lose by trying to do something, I would rather die trying than suffer the long drawn out daily torture that I was experiencing..

A few weeks ago, while awaiting treatment plan for dentist, I started to drink Chlorella water 3 times daily... Wow could I feel that pulling the metal out! Esspecially from my jaw & brain area & also my upper back.... I could feel all the mercury mobilised in my body which brings unusual side effects but I preferred them to how I was feeling normally... Just getting more & more loaded in the brain & feeling like a vegetable that couldn't stand up properly or lift my head up, groaning in pain like a zombie with numb limbs... So anything was worth a try & I wouldn't have minded dying anyway, however I will highlight again that it is dangerous to try & chelate pre amalgam removal....

The first week of my experimentation was wobbly & a bit scary but after a week I kind of got into the system of my body & understood it more & managed to balance my efforts to get an even keel going in moving this stuff through the body & out... But it was like learning to ride a bicycle! Chlorella is a green algae full of minerals & nutrients, a true superfood. It is used to flush out the mines to draw out the last bits of metal so I thought that would do for me.... Tastes disgusting the first couple of goes, I was holding my nose & gagging over the sink.. But after a couple of days your body knows its good so the taste actually becomes welcomed! You can really feel this stuff pulling it out & reducing pain where mercury has been stored..... 

As well as the Chlorella I also used cellular liquid zeolites which are little geometrical cages that also trap the metal and pull it put of your cells.... Now I was pulling away the pain but getting really really wobbly again & felt really toxic, in cycles... But I was still so happy that I could finally affect this problem in some way...I had to work on my gut to avoid reabsorbing my collection
 of chelated mercury, the gut reabsorbs the toxins & Redistributes them causing more pain & symptoms... I found out the hard way that my gut & liver need a lot of help with this! But at least it helped me to identify any blocks in my natural detox pathways.. 

I had pulled mercury from its usual hiding places but the hard metal stiff pain in my digestive area was not pleasant... I upped the probiotics I was taking, wasn't producing enough kefir to keep up with my requirements so I ordered some in... Inliven... Superb product although expensive at £35 for a 
months supply (add that to all the other things needed to deal with mercury, this is an expensive trip!)
I immediately felt the benefits of this product, things were moving down there! I also upped my intake of Aloe Vera 100% juice, 2 or 3 shots a day rather than just 1. I did daily coffee enemas to 
help clear toxins & nourish my liver.. More about enemas on another page soon... I put my morning 
super smoothie later in the day as its so super it made me feel like I didn't need to eat much & if you are chelating mercury naturally you really need to make lots of poo or the mercury will not get out of you! So started eating lots of fibre during the day & adding smoothie later on as a super snack.. I will add recipes of the smoothies & juices that kept me nourished & alive throughout the hard times.. Not to mention the Distilled water that got me up & walking again.. That deserves a whole page to itself. 

Ok, so I had experimented with chelation which confirmed my diagnosis even more, I could move this thing :) Yay! But I had to stop as I still had amalgams in & my dentist told me off as well as the others in the online support groups :-/  follow - MERCURY ATTACK!!

Oh my god, it's hard to explain how I felt over the next 2 weeks.. I was already bad & incapable of leaving the house but this took it to another level as my mercury levels piled up again... Prickly skin that can't breathe, total fatigue that means you any walk 2 steps without hitting the floor like a lead 
balloon... Electric head & buzzing ears ... Torturous pain... Brain damage!! Memory completely gone, couldn't even think to write a shopping list, in fact would stare at the pen & paper in my hand & not remember why they were there, my daughter had to remind me 5 times over that I was writing a shopping list... Felt like an axe had spliced my mind... Could only lie down staring at the wall with no thoughts other than 'shit, my brain is going again, it's too late to fix this... & worrying that dementia would be put on my medical notes rather than the truth of chronic toxic mercury poisining ... Dementia ward on the horizon with shit diet, more toxins & grumpy carers sticking enemas up my bum.... Would rather finish myself off before that.... But I felt it coming :( 
My body & brain were in so much pain & mercury madness had set in, I was angry & wild & crying & snapping at loved ones who said the wrong thing or did not understand.. Lots of apologies & hugs during this time.... I needed friends to come & do housework as I couldn't stand or think & my flat was getting into messy chaos! If I picked something up off the floor I would just stare at it and be confused as what to do with it.... I'm usually a domestic goddess for goodness sake! Have run a house on my own for years, chasing after children, working, cooking for hundreds of people a week, I love a tidy house but this stuff really fucks your whole life up.... Now having to get people to help make sure I have meals ready to eat in the fridge as days can go past where I don't eat as much as a mercury poisoned should.. Causing 
further backlog of toxins... Vicious cycle.... Lucky to have good friends but hate having to live like a baby :(

However, after a really toxic scream & pain session I managed to get my natural detox system kicked back into action, slow as it is but it will do for now as I wait for amalgam removal... After a really good day of pooing after 3 good meals I managed to push a load out.. For now! The past 4 days I have been at my peak, which is still crap compared to normal people but means I can at least relax & my cells are smiling with relief ... I can just about manage my washing up once a day but it's like climbing a mountain... And I can read, meditate, and write this blog entry :) But this is a cycle so am 
holding on tight for the next bout of discomfort but will ride it out.... Am excited, impatient & scared of life after amalgam removal.. The detox will be hard but I can't stay as I am so will be giving it all Ia good go :) 

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Advice for safe amalgam removal & chelation/detoxing from heavy metals

This page will mainly provide links to advice on the SAFE removal of dental amalgams as well as various methods for removing it from the body. Do not proceed with amalgam removal before first reading this.. You could be made much more ill if you just run off to the nearest dentist for this job. If your dentist is not aware of the correct safety procedures then get another dentist, it's up to you to monitor this rather than having faith in what any dentist will tell you. Also you should not get many amalgams removed at once, particularly if you already have a heavy burden of mercury in your body. I know of many cases, including one girl I talk to regularly, that have really suffered as a consequence of amalgam removal... Think brain damage that you are not sure you will recover from... Proceed with caution!!

Here is a good link outlining some of the bare minimum safety requirements that should be followed in dentistry.

I need this list on my wall, my brain will certainly not memorise these ingredients too easily! Other names for mercury found in many products & medicines today:

Monday 15 April 2013

Links to symptoms & other case stories  A very good list of symptoms associated with Mercury poisoning. Great links to many success stories although after years of suffering.     An informative article although omits any mention of amalgams - however you can easily use your own intelligence here, bear in mind that mercury stays liquid at room temperature hence being used in thermometers .... In our mouths at room temperature, releasing gas that is breathed in 24/7 even while we sleep... So with that info under your belt read on & weep. Uk cases Another UK case Showing our historical knowledge of mercury poisoning which seems to have gone over the heads of government healthcare today. page with more Info & Links A complete acknowledgment (There was never an argument anyway) on the impact mercury has on our outer environment & inner environment.. Still happy to have it stuck in your mouths?
Interesting article including historical death

Sunday 14 April 2013

A personal story - Introduction

Welcome to my blog! It will be a long introduction so I hope you have time to read... I have put in much detail as I found it helped me to find others that had done so to, so I hope this helps other sufferers feel less alone and maybe even help some of you recognise your own inexplicable symptoms and get it checked out properly before things progress. Also please excuse any grammatical errors, it is very difficult to think properly and type when you are suffering from chronic mercury poisoning, my intelligence levels have definitely decreased!

I am a 37 year old mother of 2 teenage girls. I will be using this blog as a diary to document my experiences of living with chronic mercury poisoning in the UK.  It turns out I am very very sensitive to Mercury, although it is still the 2nd most toxic substance known to man yet we stick it in our dental fillings??!! And in our vaccines?? I guess I will start with telling you about the 18 years of it leaking into my system which has now destroyed my life, leaving me housebound for the most part of the last year and messing with my brain and nervous system and the most horrific symptoms... it is a great form of torture that’s for sure! What is more unnerving is the lack of knowledge within our NHS framework and inability to deal with it, you are literally left to the dogs with it and many people will be left in horrific situations without even knowing that it is mercury because the NHS is inadequate in diagnosing it and the treatment and tests offered (so they do acknowledge it quietly!) are substandard and inaccurate.

First.... A little bit of the history of the mystery!

When I was 18 years old I had some dental treatment, a root canal and some amalgams...... so far so good.... A couple of weeks after the dental treatment I was just sitting and laughing with some friends when suddenly I was hit with the most horrific symptoms, similar to a stroke, just like that.... something in my neck was tugging, my whole face was numb and pulling and drooped, my right arm was taught and numb and would not work properly... it was very scary... I didn’t even know what a stroke was back then otherwise I would have called an ambulance (although it was not  stroke I was suffering from but really resembled it, my heart was fine luckily, but not my brain & nervous system)..... I waited for it to pass,  couldn't walk properly, had no balance, felt like I had been shot through the brain with a silver bullet (Not far wrong, more like silver fillings but a long time until I found that out) I laid on the floor for 2 weeks before throwing myself into the doctors surgery and explained my symptoms begging for help, only to be snapped at “Don’t be ridiculous, you are too young to have a stroke.” (Lie might I add) And just sending me off with painkillers saying it was a stiff neck... Some  stiff neck!!!!!!       Returned after another 2 weeks, begging to help me and saying this was much more than a stiff neck... again she was very annoyed with me and sent me for a neck X-ray to prove there was nothing wrong with me.... I gave up seeing docs after that and just struggled on at home on the floor for 6 months until I regained some of my functions but I have never been the same since.

I will cut a long story short for the next 17 years and get to this year which has been horrific and I still do not know if I will ever be the same again. I carried on with life, having 2 kids and managing to work but with a really wrong & heavy brain & body... I kept it well hidden and tried to be as normal as possible but some of the relapses along the way were horrific, some around dental treatment (more amalgams eeeeek!)  I always felt teeth had something to do with it but never knew why and hoped the medical profession would recognise what the problem was and help me... I knew it was going to knock me into much worse way at some point, I could feel it building up and walking became harder.... I would suddenly become numb and my limbs would not work properly.. a constant pain in my face and head and neck as though something was crawling around in there... I bounced between doctors and dentists who all just brushed me off saying dental problems do not cause problems anywhere else in the body (ignorance or lies?) Dentists would say if its in your neck then you should visit your GP.. GP’s would say if its to do with your teeth you need to see a dentist.. I used to fantasise about meeting a dentist who understood the body AND the teeth are connected ( they are not separate items floating in space after all!) As long as I was still walking and bodily signs reading normal there was no interest in following up my problems, despite me KNOWING it was getting worse and would disable me one day, of course that was all just in my head (literally haha in the form of silver fillings!)

At one point, during my second pregnancy I had a terrible relapse and it was most certainly teeth at the root of this problem, they were throbbing and I could feel my body screaming RIP TEETH OUUTT!! I couldn’t eat and was just thrashing about in my bed with electric shocks to my brain and nervous system... Dentists would not treat me as I was pregnant and said I would have to wait 6 months for any work and to go home and eat lots of nurofen... I didn’t eat for weeks except nurofen and I was in great distress, WITH A BABY IN MY TUMMY!! I ended up finding a private dentist who would remove a tooth for me (But not the right tooth! I will get to that later) I had another tooth pulled out without anaesthetic, much against the dentists wishes as the tooth was apparently healthy but I just knew that teeth had to be ripped out to fix my problem and as the health service was not to up on what was going on inside me I had to take DIY action and they caved in and ripped the tooth out.... so 2 healthy teeth ripped out but still the problem continued...........

Many years later after still having a good life but carrying this physical condition around with me, about 5 years ago this thing started knocking me to the floor more regularly and I was having problems making short walks to the bus stop to get to work & had to start using the car more regularly (I do not believe in using cars to get everywhere and mine would stay parked up for months and used for special occasions)..... After 15 years of getting nowhere I was in despair with this thing so I registered with an old GP, the only GP I had ever felt a positive experience with during my pregnancies.... I wrote her a 5 page heartfelt letter, explaining the whole history, begging her to help me and not just send me home with tablets..... Of course I ended up being sent home with tablets as a way of trying to diagnose what was wrong... I tried them for a few days before throwing them in the bin, they were antidepressants used for neuralgia pain... I already knew this was way beyond Neuralgia and don’t like the fact it is not possible to get painkillers for this kind of thing that do not also work on your brain in some way.... I was quite happy with my brain and mood, I had become a strong character to remain happy & enjoy my life whilst carrying this illness around... I did not need help there, I needed help to find out what was happening in my body and how I could stop it...... But as I was still walking I wasn't treated that seriously... so much for listening to the patient and trusting our instincts! We are the most vital piece of information that medical people can deal with yet we are just brushed off and they do not like to see terror and anxiety in you and just see that rather than guessing that the terror and anxiety you are expressing is because of your illness and that you really need help for it... I think they think we walk around like that all the time rather than just expressing it in the surgery when we are asking for help .... there are too many subjective judgements involved in the medical world, and people get diagnosed on this basis quite a lot, usually to save money on testing and make more money for big pharmaceutical companies...And we know how many misdiagnosis get made for people... Or one doctor says one thing, and the next something completely different . I guess your diagnosis depends on which doctor you believe... hmmmmm... anyway, I was still without a diagnosis except Neuralgia to explain the nerve pain and huge electric shocks in the back of my head.... 

Ok, So to this past year... I will get you up to speed and then from this day on I will start blogging my diary of how things progress as a sufferer of extreme chronic mercury poisoning in UK society today... Hopefully it will result in me documenting my healing and improvement and help others to find a way out of mercury hell when the social system is stacked against you... currently we are ‘anecdotal evidence’ ....... Many countries have already banned the use of amalgams and recognise this condition as a proper illness..... In the UK we have stopped putting it in kids mouths and pregnant ladies (now there is a quiet acknowledgement that it causes problems!) Unfortunately most dentists are totally unaware of how they are poisoning people and will argue against it because it goes against everything they have been taught and everything they practice.. they would need retraining!! Luckily many aware dentists do operate mercury free surgeries and many have been changing to mercury free as they come across patients who inform them of their tests and conditions, hopefully we can begin to see this trend of change in more and more dentists and certainly the NHS, GP’s, Neurologists, hospital doctors, all need to be made more aware of this and have a proper protocol in place to help people overcome it, if you visit a mercury using dentist to remove your amalgams then their ignorance could actually make you much more ill so it is vital that you seek out a proper dentist with knowledge about this subject.... private or DIY is really the only way right now and that is a hard road for many who have no funds, particularly if they are fighting with the benefits agency over getting sick pay, this sick pay will be the only way for some people to be able to afford the long programme to recovery. This is me right now unfortunately, I may not be cured because of it and may get into a worse state, I already feel dementia type symptoms and its only a matter of time before this becomes irreversible.. Right now I do feel like I have a chance but it is the biggest challenge of my life......

So March 2012... this thing finally floored me.... bedridden for 2 months until going into A&E in May after a friend found me in a bad way...... Bodily signs were playing up so kept in for 5 days..... Student doctor repeatedly ignored my comments about the upper part of body, jaw, neck, brain, arm.... Kept brushing me off saying she was more interested about the pains around my liver & rib & back area... said to see my GP about the upper area as cant possibly be connected, despite me knowing very well that it is connected, I have been living with it for 18 years so know a hell of a lot more about my body behaviour than you young lady! Well I didn't say that as I was too ill J Soooo had a goose chase trying to prove to me it was gall stones.... all organs scanned..... nothing.... Body still misbehaving, white blood cells up, temperature up, blood pressure hitting the floor.... discharged me once signs returned to normal even though physically I was in a much worse state... stumbled on the floor on way out and had to get a nurse to wheelchair me to friends car....... Not even knowing what was happening to me or what could be done about it.

Home... getting worse & worse, throat paralysing, couldn't talk... brain demented and in so much pain like a giant worm was crawling around in there.... tried walking to the shop across the road, stumbled in the street, had to hold walls to get home , balance completely gone... people thought I was drunk and walked around me instead of offering to help...... Tried to go back to work but failed, using wheely walker to get from car to door.... determined to get better but just not happening, this thing was too strong.... Progressive MS type symptoms..... Fell into A&E in June again..... no wheelchairs or seat available, 5 hour wait while my brain was popping out of my head and dementing me... had to stagger and hold walls to get to the booth and the  nurse kind of shied away from helping me to walk, again I think she thought I was drunk... I guess I must have looked it now looking back in the light that I was very toxic and poisoned! Just not with drink and drugs as they probably assumed, I felt like dirt on the bottom of their shoe ....... Lovely lady doctor saw me and could really really see how much I was struggling and really wanted to help me get through A&E and onto  a ward but said I had to fail some tests to get through (she was heavily hinting at me to fail on purpose but I just couldn’t do that, it would confuse them to what it really was) .... I passed all the tests so couldn’t be treated as an emergency despite my obvious symptoms... But she managed to get me a referral to a neurologist..... waiting list for 5 months while suffering greatly at home, unable to look after myself or my home or my kids, I just wanted to die, I really hoped that when I went to sleep that I wouldn’t wake up again, and would cry when I woke up to another day of physical torture, god did my spirit grow during this time, it had to, there was no-one lese to help me but me.... Of course great friends around me did all they could with my housework and feeding me but no-one could climb inside me and take away the pain and suffering, only doctors could do that but I was abandoned by them and not regarded as having anything serious to me (this makes me scccreeeaaaaaaammmmmmm – not being listened to or taken seriously!!) I heavily researched euthanasia at this time as enough was enough, it was cruel of nature to keep someone alive in this state and to be marginalised by the system because my illness did not fit into the box.... I found exit international and learnt how to die peacefully in bad situations like mine.... I found a contact in mexico who could get me the chemicals needed for the peaceful everlasting sleep.... I did not want suicide, a tragic way to leave this planet.... So I started to prepare those around me and plant the idea that I would be choosing my death soon and wanted it to be ok with them.... luckily because they were not ready I could not do it too quickly but I knew I would have to act fast in case I became incapable of ordering the chemicals and incapable of putting them to my mouth as my whole body would often go into paralysis and I wouldn’t know if I would come out of it again... this was a real life horror movie..... I could only crawl around my flat feeling like a brain eaten zombie, I didn’t want to end up in a dementia ward for years and years, I would rather die and while I still had a little control over my life I felt I should at least get the chemicals in place just in case..... I never did get them as some hope did start to appear a little, just enough to pull me out of complete hell but Im still dangling my feet in it now and do get launched into the full hell of it at times but I know to just hang on in there and will be able to talk and stand up again at some point.... for now at least....

After a couple more ambulance calls and being dumped straight into the car park at A&E whilst still suffering with paralysis and brain pain (because my bodily stuff was acting normal so couldn’t be anything wrong with me grrrrrr and as it is now a long standing problem that has progressively got worse A&E can not deal with it grrrrrrrrr this was an emergency for gods sake!!!!!)  I eventually got to see a neurologist for 20 minutes with a quick few basic tests to make sure its not a brain tumour... passed the tests and got scheduled for an MRI of brain, 2 more months wait in housebound zombie hell with a tremoring painful brain & body...... MRI nothing, discharged straight back to GP with the suggestion that it could be a psychological problem...... Basically thrown on the scrap pile and offered some counselling...... Now I really was struggling to hold onto my sanity, I couldn’t believe they were so blind and just brushing this off as nothing.... I can’t imagine a human body suffering any more than that and to be just left to it with no help was daunting, how many years would I exist like this now??? I’m so lucky I have such a strong and flexible mind or I would have ended up in a mental hospital with all my physical pains being diagnosed as madness..... Now I did start to think I should just finish myself off in any way that I could... But I love life and just want to get back to how I was, even how I was before the past year I would settle for, at least I could still have fun and get out and about just about and hold onto my job... I was such a happy soul, this is not like me right now L Thank goodness for meditation and the power of the soul & mind... ..

OK.... After much more suffering in hell on a daily relentless basis, a friend finally scooped me up and took me to a private osteopath (My walking problems were never helped by the NHS, not even offered despite me turning up to appointments in a wheelchair) This Osteopath was also a kinesiologist amongst many other things, he could have even led me the psychological route so he was a good all round person to visit.... Told him everything... Started with my bones to address walking problems and pain..... clicked everywhere!! I had a dislocated jaw and my skull was not sitting properly, my foot was also out of place and needed correcting... I had the works from head to toe.... I felt the pain disappear J My jaw felt free for the first time in years after GP told me a week previously that I would never get rid of this pain and would have to just get used to it...... However, despite the pain moving, I still felt like jelly and I suffered a big reaction to the bone popping.. had a high temperature for a few days and a very strong metallic taste in my mouth and throughout my whole body felt metallic and felt like a strange energy in there buzzing around trying to get out or find a place to go.... Very strange!!! But he listened to this at my next appointment... And he read my body language and subconscious a lot!! I was expecting more bone popping but was disappointed not to get any... he said he had obviously released something the last time and took a different direction with me... Muscle tests and kinesiology showed that my body HATED heavy metals, in particular MERCURY.... He got to my teeth (My old suspicion that I had buried!) When he manipulated 2 of them my whole right hand side of body collapsed in a heap.... “They are your problem.. I can’t help you further until you get that neurotoxin out of your mouth, then I can help you get it out of your body.”         BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!

I DO NOT ACCEPT A DIAGNOSIS TOO EASILY!!! After 18 years of trying to find out what this is, studying MS, CFS, Fibro etc, although some kind of mimicked what I  was going through I never really felt the BINGO over anything...... So I started to research mercury/amalgam poisoning and finding other people’s accounts, particularly UK accounts where it was just like reading my own story, right down to the journey of the health service and the symptoms were uncanny, very specific things like electric shocks in the back of the head, and strange grinding and movement at the base of skull and brain squirming and moving and tugging.......... Soooo I started to self experiment with chelators to see if it would make any effect and it did, I started to be able to move this thing and change it... I will give more specifics in a separate blog day of the kind of things you could do to see if it makes any changes, self testing methods, taught me a lot!!!

Then I carefully researched dentists that could understand this problem more... I travelled out of town for it.... She found clear evidence of my sensitivity and poisoning by amalgams, as well as definite decomposing ones... I had white tattoo’s around the exact teeth the Osteopath had located.. and around any tooth with amalgam.. a clear sign your body does not like it... Leukoplakia... I have since sent 2 friends to her and she has not identified sensitivity or toxicity but they asked for theirs to be removed anyway.. she did so straight away for the, I am jealous :( I still have this poison in my mouth... But there has to be extra caution taken with my removal because of my heavy load, symptoms and sensitivity.

So here I am, still waiting to get on with the treatment.... I am waiting for treatment plan for first removal of the worse teeth then a 3 month wait before the next to see how my body copes with the side effects of amalgam removal... another story! I’m sure you will get to hear about it.

The NHS is still not set up to diagnose or equip to treat this properly despite it being a really big & growing problem in the UK and globally. It is known, the dangers are known, the evidence is overwhelming.... Scotland paid millions to treat people for this at one point, I think the veil lifting a bit on this one made them realise what a big job it would be to clear the country of mercury, the high cost, the legal claims made, the retraining of dentists and overhaul of that system... the extra cost of a new system as amalgam is very very cheap... so England and the UK continue to remain blank and dumb down about this. Leaving people in dire situations to rot and suffer... I am very suspicious by my latest symptoms that have added to the mix that if I visited a dementia hospital and looked inside the mouths I would have a sea of mercury grinning back a me (and probably pass out twitching at the fumes!!)

It is dangerous to remove mercury from the body and should not be done without supervision but I will have to DIY it as I try and take the DWP to court to claim disability benefits to help me through this and make sure I can keep stocked up on superfoods, supplements and treatment.... If I run out of selenium for example, my brain will swell and knock me sideways... It will be important to maintain a consistent treatment plan here, the body can not cope with stopping and starting so as well as  a battle with mercury and my body, I also have a big battle with the system over this which makes healing a lot more difficult..... Luckily I have found great info and have found support groups with many in the same boat and on different parts of different healing protocols... it’s so nice to find people going through the same hell and supporting one another and also seeing how the treatments work, we are all pioneer guinea pigs on a DIY battle with the 2nd most toxic substance known to man raging inside of us. Some of these people are visiting various private doctors and on different healing journeys so it’s great to hear directly what the specialists are saying as well as see how each journey goes and encourage each other along the road back to health. It is also great to hear about what the best further tests are to help monitor mercury levels and see if your treatment is working. I will be getting my kids tested too as they were in my womb at the most sufferable times of this... Check out the effects of mercury in the foetus online, that’s why they do not put mercury in pregnant ladies, neurotoxin that causes lots of damage.  Oh yes, I forgot to mention, the teeth that I had ripped out, the healthy ones with no anaesthetic, well when I told my oseto this he said if I had just got the teeth exactly next to the ones I had ripped out then I would have done the job!! Spooky, I was so close, my instincts knew, my body knew ,it was pushing me to rip teeth out... I allowed myself to believe my instincts were wrong by so many professionals over the years but now I have been reconnected with my instincts and I know they are King so please please never lose faith in your instincts and go with them, they could save your life.. If I had known about mercury/amalgam when I was still up and walking about I would have had them ripped out ages ago.

I will provide more links to information and other peoples blogs as soon as I figure out how to use a blog! And I will update more briefly at regular intervals about how the journey is going, it will be a long one!! I also plan to write up a list of foods and natural products that help with mercury removal from the body once my brain is working a bit better.....  For now I remain housebound with growing neurological symptoms.... Watch this space.

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction J